As a regional coordinator, my focus is to ensure adequate support to all the churches and pastors in the region towards maximum functionality, and to ensure cohesion and brotherhood between all CRM branches in the region.

I obtained a Master’s in Political Science with concentration in International Relations in Nigeria before relocating to the United States and I am currently a Nurse Practitioner.

I answered the call of salvation in 1984 after the Holy Spirit convicted me out of self-righteousness. I had believed that because I was born into a Christian family and belonged to a popular denomination, I was a Christian and saved. God used my sister, Dr. Ngozi Ogwo and Pastor Chris Kalunta to minister salvation. I enjoined the then National Catholic Charismatic Students which later became Charismatic Renewal Ministries (CRM) where I was discipled by Dr. Ogwo, Engineer Gerry Ukah and Dr. Cosmas Ilechukwu and was baptized into the fire of the Holy Ghost that blazed and yearned for revival in CRM.

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